Monday, June 29, 2009

thoughts inside my head

We all hurt, we all laugh, we all cry, we all smile. We never know when something will happen, something that can change your life forever. Something so profound, so unbelievable you won't grasp it in its entirety for sometime. Someone is waiting for me one day, to let down my walls. Let everything break down and tell them everything there is to tell. I don't know if that can ever happen. I don't know if I could bare my entire soul to someone and not feel vulnerable about what they might do. Its ok to have walls up, they protect you but sometimes you just have to let someone in. This I know, I understand it maybe more than some. I have way too many walls, but I can't seem to let them go. They keep me safe, they protect me from pain and heartache. Feelings I have felt before and don't want to feel them again. How can I let someone in and risk all that again.
I have too much invested in me, too much invested in life to allow something to break me down. I have secrets, some to hard to say. Some too hard to even acknowledge at times. There are some I will take to my grave, until then, they are protected in my heart locked up and wrapped up in a chain. I wish sometimes I could let it all go, let the walls down and not be so worried about things. But I can't that is just me. Why can't I just let them all go?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear Tony

Dear Tony, a wonderful friend. My love and thoughts are with you through these trying times of yours. I offer you my hand for you to take and help you along your way. If there is anything I could do for you, I would.

What is a friend?
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have
and one of the best things you can be.
A friend is one who will always be beside you, through
all the laughter, and through each and every tear.
A friend is one thing you can always rely on, the
someone you can open up to.
A friend is a sanctuary
A friend is a smile
A friend is a hand that is always holding yours,
no matter where you are.
A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.

Love you my friend.

My Darling Kat

Darling dear Kat, I am terribly sorry for what has happened to you and your family. During these hard times, I give you all my love and care. You're all in our thoughts each minute of every day. I can't wait to give you a great big hug. If there was anything I could do in the world right now, it would be to take away your pain. I will remain by your side through everything you go through babe.

Weeping willow with your
tears running down
Why do you always weep
and frown?
Is it because you'll love to
one day?
Is it because you could
not stay?
On your branches you
will swing
To the love of happiness
that day will bring
You found shelter in
your shade
You thought his laughter
would never fade
Weeping willow stop
your tears
There is something to
calm your fears
You think death as your
true forever part
And I know he will always
be in your heart.

Love you lots Kat.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The Man In The Mirror
When you get what you want in stuggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what the man has to say

For it isn't a mans father, mother or wife
Whose judgement upon him must pass
The fellows whose verdict counts most in his life
Is the man staring back from the glass

He's the fellow to please; never mind all the rest
For he's with you clear up to the end
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the man in the glass is your friend

You can fool the world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass.

This poem was found written on
the wall of a cell in death row.
It was composed by an anonymous
prisoner who was later executed.

True Friends

The Making Of A True Friend
2 tonnes of shopping
a pinch of endless chatter
1 large chocolate cake
100 D & M's
a pile of sleep overs
1,000,000 phone calls
and 10 deep secrets shared
between 2
a sympathetic ear
a shoulder to cry on
heaps of hugs
gallons of trust
lastly, a generous serving of good
and fun times.