Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How do you catch a rabbit?

Well to prevent a rabbit going down the rabbit hole I do believe this little story I found could be quite handy.

The LAPD, CIA and FBI are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into the forest and each of them have to catch it.
First off the CIA. They plant the animal informants all over the forest. Then proceed to question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations the CIA conclude that rabbits do not exist.
Second the FBI enters the forest. After two weeks searching the forest and working the scene coming up with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it including the rabbit and make no apologies. The FBI state, the rabbit had it coming.
Lastly enters the LAPD. With their strategy in hand, and after two hours return out of the forest with a badly beaten bear. The bear yelling "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"

She finally gave up..
she dropped the fake smile
as a tear ran down her cheek
& she whispered to herself,
"I can't do this anymore"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spring Clean in Winter

Brr the winter is here and no I'm not a huge fan of it. Give me the sun and its warmth, I'm happy. This winter I have prepared myself with a little "spring" clean. In order to enjoy spring and summer with nothing but good people and happiness. A friend of mine told me I deserve to be happy. I know in theory this sounds right, but its something that I do have trouble with believing. Its always easier to be negative rather than positive right. I was always a positive person and I guess some things changed, along with it I changed. People always change, but unfortunately I think I may have lost myself in the process of change. Thankfully, with my cleaning I have started to find me again. Rediscovered the real me. Trust me it was hard and long, but hey with the awesome people I have around me in life, it wasn't so bad.
So I deserve to be happy. Well I do, damn straight I do. The things that weren't making me happy are gone. No longer can they bring me down. Happiness, while some may think it is out of reach. Its not. Its always just a smile away. Aimz, you little pop tart, without you I'm sure I would've ended up a total wreck through everything over the last few months. Kat, my little caramel tart, I do wish we lived closer but at least I can go to Melbourne for a darn good reason girl. Don't forget babes, F1 Australian GP next year!! We so need to do another vodka induced all nighter and soon. Linda, my crazy sexy mumma, damn woman what on earth would I do without you? You and me babe, a pair of Mad Hatters. Can't wait for tea. I promise you I will be in Newy soon. We'll just be kickin' it with our mate JD!
Remember Aimz, peeping Toms are called that because its more appropriate than some other choices and yes bears are dangerous and cause trouble. Kitty Kat, I can't wait to see you again, damn I miss you my sweets. Don't forget to start making those tarts hahahaha Linda, get those dancing shoes on because we are going to flutterwacken, vigorously. Even if we do fall flat on our arses, we won't feel it if we've had enough. Love you girls xxx

Monday, June 21, 2010

Love, Life and Laughter

Don't you just love it when you remember things you thought you had long forgotten?
My girls and I, my gosh! We use to have some crazy arse nights. Sitting up all night on twitter, facebook, msn. Anything where we could all talk in the same place. Our little group of cookies, spread around the world. Chatting all night long, laughing till we cried. Talking about anything and everything. Deepest secrets to recent happenings in our lives. Asking and giving advice on everything. Usually while we were drinking cups of coffee, tea, OJ or even vodka, rum and wine. Just a group of girls catching up for a regular chat in a coffee shop or bar. Just shared over the internet instead. We would talk for hours and hours on end. And ya know, it doesn't matter if one of us doesn't get to catch up for sometime, we always know whats happening with each other and how everyone is doing. We're all very close, my darling girls. Oh, how I love you all so much. No matter what happens or what changes, we are always there for each other. Just how real girlfriends should be.
To my girls, you know who you are.. I will always love you and be there for you no matter what. Whether it be your brightest moment or darkest hour. You can count on me.