Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Tribute To B

Our Dearest Beanie,

I have so much I want to say and so much I never got to say. Its so hard to find the right words to do you justice but nothing is coming up trumps for me. You my girl, are such a bright and shining star that when we lost you the whole sky went black and no star ever shone bright again. I remember all those nights where, thanks to the time gap, I lived on about 4 hours sleep a day. Not easy when my son was just a toddler at the time, haha, but it worked and we wouldn't have had it any other way. I was always so proud and pleased for you whenever you told me something had happened in your favour. You deserved all the beauty in the world. You always left your smiling face with us, and in turn always made me smile. Sure we had our crying moments when things got rough, but there was always so much more laughter than tears. And vodka! I'll never forget the first time you told me about Tom and how happy you are that you found him. I don't believe you could've have found someone any better. I thank Tom with all my heart for coming into B's life and opening her up to such a happy and love filled life. Oh B, I just don't know what to do without you. There is such an empty void there that we are all feeling and know it will never be filled without you. Thankfully, we were blessed enough to have such an angel in our lives and leave us with such fond, fun-filled and loving memories. I know people say that we are all here for a designated time until our duty calls us somewhere else. I know that wherever you are, you will be doing even greater good for those that need you now. As I always say, we are here for a good time, not a long time. B, you definitely provided everyone around you with a good time. I just wish that we could've just erased some of the bad that surrounded you. I wish I could've taken away your pain. Beanie Bear, I thank you for all the lessons you taught me, all the smiles you shared with me and all the laughter we had. I will always miss you babes, and love you for eternity. Our sisters are all taking care of each other, we will always take care of and be there for Tom. Please don't ever forget that if you see me mess up or that your little nephew has, to come down and give me a good shake up. Thank you my little sister for being the absolutely, wonderful and beautiful person that is you.

Our tears may fade, but our love will always stay.

Love you always B,

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